Health Coach | Motivational Speaker | Mother

Striving for Progress, Not Perfection.

The MA365 program will improve your eating habits, lifestyle, and mindset in a sustainable way!

We will stand side-by-side with you from day 1 through day 365 on this life-changing journey for long-term results.

MA Yoga Bundle

Includes a Premium Yoga Mat, 3 pack of Fabric Mini Bands, and a Yoga Block. The perfect equipment package for working out from home. Please note, that this is required equipment for the ELEVATE programs.

Training Programs

More About Massy

Massiel “Massy” Indhira Arias is the exuberant Certified Personal Trainer, formerly known as Mankofit, who is changing lives and inspiring a new generation of trainers.

Born in the Dominican Republic, Massy has been an American resident since the age of 14 and currently resides and trains out of Los Angeles, California.

She sets the example for how adopting a healthy diet and active lifestyle can change individual lives mentally, physically, and spiritually.

She has committed herself to a healthy life with which she herself has emerged from depths of depression and physical limitations to become the glowing motivational force she is to millions around the world.

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